06 Feb, 2017

Top 5 Super Bowl Ads of 2017

06 Feb, 2017

Why do you watch the Super Bowl: for the game or the ads? If you watch the biggest game in American football for the ads, you’re in luck. According to Vox, only 10 percent of the 4- to 5-hour segment is of actual gameplay. Commercials take up 24 percent...

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23 Jan, 2017

Live Streaming Your Way to the Top

23 Jan, 2017

  While polished and high quality videos are what consumers are looking for on the TV screen and online video ads, they’re looking for a little more authenticity on social media. Given that 80 percent of millennials want brands to entertain them and that consumers quickly dismiss faceless companies,...

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16 Dec, 2016

Using Video to Market to Goldfish

16 Dec, 2016

Did you know the average attention span of adults is seven seconds? The attention span of a goldfish is eight seconds. Additionally, Nielson Norman Group reports that people stay on a webpage for an average of 10-20 seconds. In this digital world, the attention span will only grow shorter....

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17 Nov, 2016

Your SEO Guide to Video Marketing

17 Nov, 2016

You came up with the perfect idea for your company’s next video. You hired all the right people. Now, you’ve created a quality video that will make viewers laugh out loud, share with friends, and ultimately, purchase your product. You post the video to Facebook. One week later, you’re...

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13 May, 2016

Video Production: 5 Myths Busted

13 May, 2016

It’s Friday the 13th – the most dreaded, unlucky and superstitious day in American culture. Don’t cross the black cat, don’t walk under the open ladder, don’t buy a lottery ticket, don’t step on the sidewalk crack (or you’ll break your mother’s back!) are just a few of the...

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27 Apr, 2016

The Power of Visual Storytelling

27 Apr, 2016

Close your eyes and imagine. You’ve just woken up on a rainy Saturday morning. You have no work to complete, no traffic to sit in, and no chores to do. You have the day completely to yourself to do anything you wish. For many people, this day would consist...

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14 Apr, 2016

Video Marketing: Don’t Get Left Behind

14 Apr, 2016

No one likes to get left out. But, we’ve all been there. Maybe it was being picked last for the kickball team or maybe you were left in your hometown while your friends went off to college. For the most part, we’re pretty resilient and get over being left...

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